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4S Analysis, Take “Design a Twitter” for example! 1S - Scenario1 Enumerate Features Register, Login User Profile Display, Edit Upload Image, Video Sea
490. The Maze Directions BFS123456789101112131415161718192021class Solution(object): def hasPath(self, maze, start, destination): m, n = len(maze), le
Best First Search Init state expansion/generation rule termination 301. Remove Invalid Parentheses BFS - level order traversal remove the minimum numb
Detect the CycleFind if a cycle exits in a graph 261. Graph Valid Tree Undirected Graph: Union Find, DFS, BFS Solution1. Union Find graph is represent
256. Paint House1234567891011121314class Solution(object): def minCost(self, costs): if not costs: return 0 n = len(costs) dp = [[0] * 3 for _ in rang
Algorithms DFS BFS Binary Search Dynamic Programming Data Structure Linked List Tree Graph Big Data Spark Kafka Cassandra Full Stack TODOMachine Learn
knowing about the basic operations provided by the data structure, which operations are efficient, which are not? knowing about for what use case we c (replace # with @ please) | (+1)631-428-7454 EDUCATION Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2018Stony Brook University, StonyBrook, NYM.S. in Compute