What is recursion?
Call Stack :
- Global accessible resource
- Usage : store the local information for each recursion function
1 Look Like
- function calls itself
2 In Fact
- Boil down a big problem to smaller ones(size n depends on size n-1, or n-2 or … n/2); Boil down size=n problem to size=n-1,n-2orn/2 problem
3 How to Implementate
- 1)Base Case:smallest problem to solve
- 2)Recursive rule:
how to make the problem smaller (if we can resolve the same problem but with a smaller size, then what is left to do for the current problem size n)
4 In more details
Recursive Function Signature must keep the same logic
1. Recursion与数学计算的结合
50. Pow(x, n) a^b
- 数学计算常见陷阱:(Corner Case)
1) 0 as the denominator
2) 1/3 as an integer? or float? 精度问题
3) 0^0
1 | public double power(double a, double b) { |
1 | # Time : O(logn), Space : O(logn) |
2. Recursion与1D or 2D Array的结合
1D Array - Merge Sort, Quick Sort
2D Array
LC51 N-Queens
1 逐层(row by row)递归:8 queen -> n queen
xxxxxxQxRecursive rule:
For the i-th queen on the i-th row, we must make sure the Qi does no conflict with all previous queens that have been placed on the board.
int Position[N] = {1 2 3 5 …}Base Case: The last row is done, 0 row left
- Recursive rule: iff position(i,j)valid - >go to the next roe:(i+1)
Time = O($$8^8$$) -> O(8!)
2 How to print 2D array in spiral order (NxN)
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x x
x x x x xRecursive rule:
size = size - 2
offset = offset + 1- 旋转矩阵!
3. Recursion和LinkedList的结合
- Q1 Reverse a linked list
- Q2 Reverse linked list pair by pair
4. Recursion和String的结合
Q1 Reverse a String using recursion
abcd -> dcba
- Q2 A word such as “book” can be abbreviated to 4, “1o1k”, “b3”, “b2k”, etc. Given a string and an abbreviation, return if the string matches the abbreviation. Assume the original string only contains alphabetic characters.
5. Recursion和Tree的结合
Binary tree 往往是最常见的,和recursion结合最紧密的面试题目类型
- 树本身就是Recursive的结构!
- 每层的node具备的性质,传递的值和下一层的性质往往一致。比较容易定义recursive rule
- Base case(generally):null pointer under the leaf node
Tree + Recursion 第一类问题:从下往上反值(int ,bool,etc.)
* 从下往上反值 - getHeight(Node root)
* 从下往上反值 - 统计tree里每个node的左子树有多少个node?
* 从下往上返值 - Find the node with **max difference** in the total number of descendents in its left subtree and right subtree
【Way of thinking】 (相当于后序遍历)
- 1.What do you expect from your lchild/rhild?
(usually it is the return type of the recursion type) - 2.What do you want to do in the current layer?
- 3.What do you want to report to your parent?(same as Q1 == Q3)
####LC236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree
从下往上返值,最最经典例题! LCA
- Method1
use two additional arrays to buffer the prefix from root to a and from root to b
Method2 (Recursion)
Case1: if a is NOT the ancestor of b
* 1.1 left == null, right == null, return null * 1.2 left and right reutrn c * 1.3 either left or right return NOT null, return not NULL
Case2: if a is the ancestor of b
* same thing
Follow Up
- What if either a or b is not int the tree. Can this method take care of this case? A - It depends on your assumption.
- Assuming that both a and b are in the tree:
- case1: result = c (c != a && c != b) it means a and b不直接隶属
- case2a: result = a (a has a descendent which is b)
- case2b: result = b (b has a descendent which is a)